You may feel emotional, anxious or unsure of what to expect. After thousands of sessions, Jeni knows how to put you at ease. What happens here, stays here.
No nonsense. Jeni's communication style is clear and direct, open and honest. No strange, explainations and "woo woo" ideas when all you want is a message from your loved one or career advice!
There are a lot of people doing readings these days. Jeni's readings are always evidential meaning names, personality traits and memories you share will be just as important as delivering guidance from your loved ones in spirit.
My name is Jeni Juranics, and I'm a Psychic Medium.
I've always been psychic. I've always had a strong spiritual "knowing" even as a child. Teenage years were dark and uncomfortable for me. There was evidence everywhere that I was different than my peers. Drugs were my go-to. Luckily, a positive influence entered my life in the form of a mother in law. I began healing myself with natural therapies, crystal and angel cards. My intuition grew stronger as I entered my 20's and had my two children. "Coincidences" were becoming common for me and dreams more vivid. I really didn't know I was a Medium until after my Grandfather died in my 30's.
Two years after his passing my life path took a HUGE turn.
I actually went to see a Medium for myself to help deal with the grief and guilt that I was carrying with me everywhere. During my reading I realized that I simply didn't know how mediumship worked and what it was all about. Something clicked for me that day. It was as if I could feel and see and hear everything the medium was telling me, and I that it? It's that subtle? Really?
It's not like the movies.
My Grandmother came through and told us that I also have the gift and my grandfather offered comfort and assurance that he made it to the other side okay. I left the reading a little confused, strangely excited and very RELEIVED!
I researched like CRAZY.
For a month straight, for hours into the night, I read books, watched videos and interviews of other mediums to find out how it all works. It all started to make sense and I felt kinda dumb! Suddenly all the experiences that made me different and even weird were because I was just naturally more intuitive than most and that if I was willing, could connect with spirit to deliver messages to their loved ones.
If they can do it, why can't I?
Energy work was not a new concept for me. By this time, I was a Reiki Master of about 14 years, I had been studying the work of a Clairvoyant named Rudolf Steiner (Anthroposophy), and popular Law of Attraction gurus all while deeply, and I mean DEEPLY "working" on myself for years. But my bigger purpose was still unknown to me. I often asked myself, if I could attend any school, take any training in the world, start any career, what would it be? Not a single course description stood out to me. Again, I didn't fit in. I knew I wanted to talk with people about life, I wanted to teach, and I wanted to inspire. But how? Could this new awareness be it?
Choose Love over Fear.
The only missing piece was that I hadn't actually done a reading yet! Again, I knew I would be guided to the right time and place. I was impatient and excited. I wanted to confirm my knowing with urgency.
Then one day, about 5 weeks into this new journey of mine, I met with a not so close friend for playdate at the beach. She asked what I had been up
to and I blurted out:
"Well, I'm psychic so I've been busy learning more about my abilities."
What??? Why did I say that!
She said we was intrigued
and my mouth opened again...oh no...
"Would you like a reading right now? I connect with loved ones who have crossed over."
OMG why did I say THAT?
The moment of truth.
I felt a female presence with us immediately followed by flashes of images in my mind's eye. Sunflowers, a birdhouse. Then an anatomical drawing of a uterus that flashed with black and the knowing that it meant cancer affected this area of the body. My friend burst into tears. She had just sent her grandfather sunflowers the previous day for his birthday. Last year she sent him a birdhouse. Her grandmother, his wife, had cancer affecting her uterus and caused her
passing. She told me right away how comforting it was to know her grandmother was with her. I was hooked.
When you believe something is possible, it is.
From there my abilities came on full force. I felt like I was being pushed by an unexplainable, all knowing energy and I knew I had to move forward with this guidance I was receiving. It became clear to me that choosing to fear over taking a risk
was no longer an option. "Put yourself out there" was the constant message. So, I did. Even though I felt psychically ill thinking about how vulnerable I'd be. But the people showed up immediately and haven't stopped.
It has been such an honour to be the link to the spirit world for thousands of people from all over the world. The messages that come through offer healing, validation and comfort to my clients while proving that there really is an miraculous ways!
I continue to grow.
Unlike most Mediums, I didn't have loads of experience as a psychic beforehand. I focussed mainly on mediumship for the first couple of years. I wanted to give myself the time to build confidence and hone and understand my abilities. I chose to teach myself with the help of my grandparents and spirit guide rather than follow another medium's advice and cloud my visions. Being a bit of a skeptic myself, my readings MUST always be evidence based. Personality traits, physical characteristics and specific information about the spirit that I shouldn't otherwise know make up the first half of the reading. Then we can move on to the messages. The deeply healing and transformative ones that many mediums don't tap in to.
These days, I work as both a psychic and a medium and can honestly say I learn something from each and every reading that I give. I brought in the use of Tarot cards and Numerology and find they add more depth to my psychic readings. I'm putting my skills to the test with psychic investigating and enjoy the challenge of working on missing person's cases and remote viewing locations.
In January of 2021 we moved to Odessa, Ontario and renovated my garage into an office. We call our property Hawk Moon Retreat and look forward to welcoming you here for healing, connection and community.
My personal spiritual practice has grown and my awareness and connection with my spirit guides is deeply important to me. Keeping the focus on what's practical and creating a down-to-earth bond with my clients is what I feel makes me unique and genuine!
The word is out, and I am blessed to say the least. Gratitude is huge for me and with it the love for each person and spirit that have come my way.
Without your support, I'd be nowhere!
Thank you all.
xo Jeni
Jeni is Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient and Claircognizant. She uses these abilities to connect with Spirit or your unique energy to bring specific messages and guidance.
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